9 PM Eye Drop (latanoprostl)-2.5ml


Buy 9PM (latanoprost) eye drops Online, 9PM Eye Drop (latanoprost) is a medicine for the eyes that comes in the form of eye drops. It contains the active ingredient prostaglandin analogue that is used for containing the pressure in the eye. Those individuals who have excessive pressure in the eyes (called ocular hypertension) or suffer from open-angle glaucoma. Aqueous humuor maintains the optimum pressure levels in the eye. Aqueous humour is a liquid, produced by the ciliary body. There is constant flow of the liquid in our eyes, with special pathways know as the trabecular network. When there is an obstruction in these channels, the aqueous humour fails to drain out and starts building up leading to a rise in ocular pressure. If this pressure keeps on rising, it can cause harm and possible damage to the nerves in the eye. This could even lead to vision problems and complete loss of the same. What 9 PM Eye Drop (latanoprost) does is to act like the natural secretion prostaglandin. These aid the timely draining of the excess aqeues humour. Naturally therefore the ocular pressure is kept under check due to this. Thus further complications associated with conditions such as glaucoma are averted.
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